March 05, 2005 - 05:06 PM
Judy Kokas from Indiana
I just wanted to let you know my heart is breaking just hearing your story and what the counrts are doing to you and your son is unfair you and your son are in my prayers
March 02, 2005 - 09:18 PM
Evelyn from MI
Dear Bill,
I'm so sorry to hear about the court of appeals decision. If they knew you persoanlly like I do they would realize what a terrible mistake they are making. My heart is broke to think that Caleb is missing out on such a wonderful young man and father that you have turned out to be. You are in our thoughts our prayers and dreams everyday.
MOM & Dad
March 01, 2005 - 11:39 AM
connie from conn
Let the father fit the child. Michigan should Amend/Modify paternity act #DNAtest must be done at the time of birth Marriaged/or not. Child support should be inputed on the biological father only. With NO timelimits,to justice Action of paternity/custody/birth records of child.
February 25, 2005 - 01:18 PM
Jennifer from Virginia
I am so terribly sorry for the struggle you are going through, to be with your son. Its not fair, and I pray for a wonderful outcome !!! Do look into the DrPhil/Montel idea, that is a great one, and it sure might help!! All my best for a happy ending !!!
February 25, 2005 - 01:17 PM
cricket from Wisconsin
This is not about the fathers rights. This is not about the mothers rights. This is about the childs rights. A child has the right to know who his father is. A child has a right to have his father in his life. No one has the right to take this right away. Shame on the lawmakers for protecting the wrong people.
February 25, 2005 - 10:25 AM
Jonalee from Ohio
I'm so sorry! I can't believe that the court upheld the decision. That is so wrong. My heart is breaking for you. It's not fair. Please don't give up. There has to be something more you can do, but obviously you can't do it by yourself. Have you ever tried contacting a talk show like Montel or Dr. Phil? I'm sure they would love to hear your story and I bet they could get the ball rolling somehow. I'll be praying my hardest for you and Caleb. Take care.
February 24, 2005 - 09:58 PM
Amy from CA
You are a great dad - keep up the fight...Caleb will be greatful one day. Stay strong....
February 24, 2005 - 09:23 PM
Kelly from TEXAS
Keep fighting for your rights and know many support you, I will pass your story on with the hope that justice will be served. Everyone deserves a good dad so keep fighting and never loose hope.
February 24, 2005 - 07:27 PM
Melinda from Ohio
I am so sorry to hear your news. I think it is so wrong. I am glad to hear that you will keep fighting. Make sure you keep this site so that when you get your son he will see all the hard work you have done and all the love you have for him. There are alot of children out here who's dads just walk away this women is crazy to keep you out of his life. I will pray someone in the system does something right.
February 23, 2005 - 02:37 PM
jo ellen smith from mi
You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I know the troubles you are up against. My son's ex is trying to take his 2 youngs sons away from him. The refree for FOC would absolutley not listen to a thing my son had to say. I was very disheartening. So were trying to contact as many fathers groups as we can for help and support.
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