March 21, 2005 - 01:21 PM
Nim from NY
I have been kept up to date for almost a year now with your struggle and each time I get an email I am blown away by the simple truth of your love for your child. Please know that you have my prayers and I will again contact legislation to set things right. In a world where children are neglected and forgotten to see a child loved and wanted so strongly by a man who never saw him yet DESERVES to be with him is powerful. God bless you in this struggle. Seeing the entries before me...I am comfortable in saying there are many of us who are behind you.
March 21, 2005 - 12:49 PM
Linda Cooper from Ks
I found out I was pregnant 3 weeks after breaking up with the father of my first child. Before my child was born I did end up marrying someone else. My child carries his stepfathers last name but all thru his life I have let him know who his real father is and pushed for them to have a relationship. As the saying goes blood is thicker then water. I believe that every child has the right to know who their bioloical parents are. Unfortunatly my sons biological father doesn't want to have much of a relationship with him. My son is now almost 18. I have a lot of respect for those fathers who want to be a part of their childrens lives. My sons real father will never know what he has missed out on by refusing to be a part of his life. He has a great kid. I hope and pray that the laws are changed so that you will not miss out on sharing your sons live. Our Children are our future, they are precious gems. They need all the positive adult role models they can have in their lives. Because the woman carries the child in her womb it is easy to prove that the child is part of her. But the law makers need to realize that the child is also a part of the man. Without his seed the child would not exist. Every person is born with the DNA of both their parents. It takes a peice of both parents to create a child. Which means the child should belong to both parents and both parents should have equal rights to the child. My sons father chose to give up his rights. I hope you get the right to chose to be a part of your sons life.
March 21, 2005 - 12:21 PM
Kathy from Michigan
I can not believe that the state of Michigan is telling you that you have no rights just because your Ex got married. there are so many men that really are "deadbeat dads" that are forced to pay child support that do not want contact with the child and yet here is a man that wants to see there child and have rights to his child and what do they say you have not rights That is so awful! I hope that you win this case and help fathers that actually want to be apart of their childrens lives. this kind of thing can hurt a family if the child does not now of their real father. I did not know that I had a half brother until I was 16 years old because the mother did not want my father to be apart of the my brothers life. my brother was very angry with his mother when she decided to tell him, by the way the man that raised you your whole life is not your father. I hope they change the law so you can be with your son.
March 21, 2005 - 11:35 AM
Charlotte Leach from Tennessee
I do hope that your story can get farther and farther out there, and that their can be a new law passed to help men like you. You will be a wonderful father to Caleb. Let me know of anything else I can do to help. Keep your head up!
March 21, 2005 - 10:27 AM
Jennifer from Tennessee
I've been keeping up with your story for a while now and I wish there were more men in the world like you. I am a single mom of 2 amazing children. A son 14 years old and a daughter 1 year old. My sons hasn't seen his father in a year (and we live 6 miles from him) and my daughters father has never laid eyes on her. I have begged both to be a part of there childrens life but to no avail. Your son will be very proud of you when he realizes how hard you've fought for him. Keep your head up and hang in there:-)
March 21, 2005 - 08:46 AM
Erica from PA
You WILL be a wonderful father to Caleb. Keep on fighting! If you are interested here is a link for show ideas for Oprah.
March 21, 2005 - 05:35 AM
Jennifer from Alaska
I just wanted you to know that you have a supporter all the way up here. Another member of a board I manage keeps us updated on your progress. She posted about your news article and I read it with mass confusion. How the hell does Heather getting married outweigh DNA?!?
You are a credit to single dad's everywhere. Please continue to fight and when the day comes, you can tell Caleb all about the people who know him and support him because of you.
March 21, 2005 - 04:44 AM
Cara from North Dakota
Got your email!! You will WIN this!!
Keep me posted!!
By the way did I tell you have a BEAUTIFUL SON?
March 21, 2005 - 04:21 AM
Teresa Sousa from California
Bill, I just read the article. Congradulations!Thanks for keeping all of us posted.
March 21, 2005 - 02:02 AM
Debbie Campbell from Virginia
Dear Bill, I am putting your story on the internet in every place I can think of. To the The Lady that mentioned that everyone signing this guestbook should contact Oprah, I think that is a wonderful idea. And I will do that and would hope others will also. Maybe this is the way to go. Prayers, Debbie
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