The Paternity Act - My Case Court of Appeals Opinion (pdf file) Transcript From my May 16th Trial (pdf file) Defending attorney comments on "Spielmaker" case (pdf file) Responses From Senators Senator Raymond Basham (pdf file) Senator Debbie Stabenow (pdf file) Senator Jason Allen (pdf file) Senator Michelle Mcmanus (pdf file) Responses From House Representatives Representative Howard Walker (pdf file) Representative David Palsrok (pdf file) The Paternity Act - Others Monica Cook - King Scholars Paper - MSU Law Student(pdf file) "From the Putative Father’s Perspective: An Analysis of His Rights to Seek Paternity Under Michigan’s Paternity Act, and a Plea for Reform" Family Law Advisor - Paternity The Law - Government White House Michigan Government Michigan House of Representatives Michigan Senate
Fathers Rights American Coalition for Fathers and Children Dads of Michigan Fathers and Children Together Men & Fathers Resource Center Responsible Single Fathers National Coalition of Free Men His Side w/Glenn Sacks Web Rings May 2003 Mommies