March 24, 2005 - 09:17 AM
Bill Numerick from MI
After looking around a little more on Google I just decided to delete the post Donda and Cheri are referring to. That email address is blocked by a good many people and they have put inappropriate material on children’s guestbook’s.
Here's the google search if your intersted. Also here's the link I "edited" to the post I delete.
March 24, 2005 - 09:10 AM
Donda from Michigan
WOW! Bill that was a GREAT edit you did regarding Alexis's message. In regards to your edit; It appears that if we do not get this law overturned - This is what happens to children denied their RIGHT to know their biological parents/family. And it is truly heart wrenching to see this much disturbance in the lives of tomorrows future. I'm still behind you 150% - Keep the faith.
March 24, 2005 - 05:07 AM
Cheri from Muskegon, Michigan
I just had to comment on the previous post. Alexis, how wrong you are!!! Bill is this childs BLODD FATHER! More than that though, he is this child's father through LOVE. It is my humble opinion that 2 seperate HAPPY homes is MUCH better than 1 MISERABLE home! Shame on you Alexis for A) Being so shallow and B) for letting it be known!! Bill, please pay no mind to absurd comments such as the one I am remarking on. YOU DO DESERVE TO BE THAT CHILDS FATHER!!!!!!
March 23, 2005 - 07:24 PM
Debbie Campbell from Virginia
I contacted these people we all need to contact them
Larry King http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?73
Momtel http://www.montelshow.com/show/tell.htm
Oprah http://www.oprah.com/email/reach/email_showideas.jhtml
Fox news http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,77538,00.html
March 23, 2005 - 03:40 PM
Michelle from Illinois
I like the idea's about contacting Oprah and such.......
Here is another idea.
I just emailed the Michigan chapter of the ACLU. The guest book is not allowing me to add the link. Google search the Michigan chapter of the ACLU. Look at the bottom of the page to contact and it will direct you to send a breif email.
Good luck Bill! We are going to get this story the attention it deserves!
Michelle Edit (by Bill of course): I'll add the link for you Michelle. It's http://www.aclumich.org/modules.php?name=Contact
March 23, 2005 - 11:41 AM
Stephanie from Michigan
I am so sorry that this happened to you. I want to try and overturn this law. It is against humanities rights. It is just purposterous to think that somethign like this could happen in the U.S. Let alone Michigan.
March 23, 2005 - 10:24 AM
Maureen from MI
I just heard you speaking about your situation on Wood 1300. I'm so sorry for what you are going through and I'm going to use the link to contact the legislature. You will be in my prayers.
March 23, 2005 - 04:38 AM
Cheri from Michigan
Hi Bill,
I also read your story in the Muskegon Chronicle. I am so sorry to hear about what is happening, not only to you, but to your precious Caleb as well. I dont understand this states ideas and principles, I can only hope that one day soon something will be done, and you can be the father you so desire and deserve to be. My husband has been dealing with the Michigan Friend of The Court for nearly 5 years now, and to no end, so I know it is going to be a rough ride for you, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you!
One thing came to my mind though, while reading the article. What is going to happen to Caleb if and or when his mother and STEP father get divorced? Is this man Heather married going to step up to the plate then? Or is he going to deny paternity and then go after you? Do you see what I am saying? If he doesnt want to pay child support if/when they get divorced, all he will have to do is get a paternity test...which is being denied to you! I dont know the laws in order to answer my question, I guess it was just some food for thought.
Anyways, Bill I will be checking back here regularly, I am sure you will have tons of support from the rest of the community while you fight this so called "system" to gain the right to be the daddy you already are!!!
March 22, 2005 - 05:50 PM
Amy Burton from Virginia
I have never heard such a thing! You are the 1st dad I have heard of that has come up against this. It is deplorable at best. Look at the injustice of courts with all children, children who are adopted and are given back to the biological parnets who had NOTHING to do with them and here you are this child's father. Did you get a DNA test to make sure? I am sure you did, but just wondering. Why this child's mother is acting this way is appalling as well. I sure hope eyou win this fight..dad's get the screws put to them so much in our "system"...go win this thing, then have someone make a movie of your story..it needs to be told! Or better yet, write a book, then take your proceeds and lavish that child! I am outraged for you..many prayers are with you and don't quit Bill!!!!
March 22, 2005 - 05:48 PM
Amy from KS
I just wanted to say I think it's awesome that you're going to such lengths to have your son in your life. So many men (my ex included)fit the term "deadbeat dad". I will be praying for you and hoping that you are able to be with your adorable son soon. :)
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