June 10, 2005 - 11:36 PM
Kelly from TX
We are still praying for you and forwarding your story to everyone in the media. Caleb is beautiful and I would fight with every ounce of strength for him. He is beautiful and never give up, he needs you as bad as you need him.
June 07, 2005 - 03:09 PM
Joey son of Cubfanmommy from Illinois
My 2.5 yr old son found this site this afternoon. When pointing to the baby, I told him that was baby Caleb. The next thing he did was click on "contact legislation". He did it several times, looked at me and said, "please mommy"....I had to turn away to hide my tears. Of course I had never said anything about this site to him. It was nap time. I put him to bed and said, "Caleb has to go to court like we do. Lets say a prayer and ask Jesus makes sure Caleb has a good day in court like we had a good day in court this morning." Children amaze me.
Michelle & Joey (who just had his first lesson in praying for a stranger)
May 25, 2005 - 10:04 AM
Nicole from Wyoming, MI
Bill and Caleb, I just wanted to send you a message and let you know that I was thinking of you both. Happy Birthday little Caleb, and just know that you have the best father in the world. He loves you very much!!!
May 25, 2005 - 08:48 AM
Jennifer Corbitt from Tennessee
I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and pray for you to be reunited with you son. I feel in my heart that it will happen!!!
May 25, 2005 - 12:24 AM
Mandy from Alabama
Your story hurts my heart. You're so totally in love with a beautiful little boy and for you it's literally an act of congress to share that life. What is wrong with the world we live in? Why are the laws so unjust? All I can say is bless your heart. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.
May 17, 2005 - 09:57 AM
Christi from mi
I had two children out of wedlock and later met my husband. But one thing I can't understand is why you would deny your children the opportunity to have the love from both worlds. As much as I cannot stand my ex- he is my kids father and I support that and am happy to say that my kids love having "two" dads even though they call my husband by his first name nad their dad, rightly so, "dad". My heart goes out to you and I hope the best for you. I really hope your lawyer fights for you- he didn't for us (in a seperate matter)so I pray that you get this and get to see your son!
May 16, 2005 - 03:48 AM
Cubfanmommy from
Just checking in for an update, and reading the updates in the guest book. I've read a lot of "the laws need to change".....and a lot of support. I don't know how many of your viewers have visited any of the "links" you've posted. I suggest they do. Those links provide access to groups working towards the current laws. I don't think I'll live long enough to understand how any adult is incapable of placing his or her childs needs before there own.
Michelle- single mom who wishes her sons father had even half the interest Bill has in his son.
May 13, 2005 - 12:36 PM
Tim from Michigan
I feel so sorry for you and your son. I have been dealing with F.O.C about a similar situation with my son also , only its been 12 yrs and I have yet been able to see him. Every time I have tried to get something done all I hear is I better be ready to shell out alot of money because lawyers are very exspensive. The mother of my son because I wouldnt marry her vowed that I would never see him. She moves state to state living off welfare. If theres anything I can do to help you to get to see your son feel free to email me. The only way I look at it now for me is 1 day my son will be 18 and hopefully he will look for me! Best of luck to You and Your Son
May 10, 2005 - 07:42 AM
kelly from Michigan
Hello there, sorry to hear your story. I have been there and done that and I don't even have the T-shirt. But I will email you with my experience
May 07, 2005 - 08:56 PM
Craig Elhart from Michigan
I was glad to see front page coverage of your article in the Record Eagle today (Sat). Hang in there tommorrow and let's hope it's the last birthday you are unable to wish him a happy birthday in person. Talk to you soon - Craig
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